then when we were turning back to the shore, dush! we capsized! kar kar kar. it was super fun. nah no one drowned but the small guy infront of me seems to be kinda angry. but who in the rite mind would bring car keys and don secure his specs when going rowing. especially u r going into the boat with 3 other inexperience rowers! chi sing ar!
although i really enjoyed the "wet" experience, but the rowing session was kinda short. it ended when u just started. the carrying boat n cleaning up was actually more tired than the rowing. kar kar kar.
i can row!!
the next monday, i managed to hop on another boat with 3 others. this time there were 2 experienced rowers with phooiphooi n me. i think it was hari & cant remember the other guys name. with the detailed instruction from whey (thanks to her) b4 we launched the boat and also the help from the other 2 rowers - I CAN ROW .. without capsizing! it was FUN FUN FUN FUN.
cant wait till the next session.
pss .... hopefully next rowing session i will get to .... heehee...