it's the lazy weekend or what's left of it.
mom's in mcca for prayers for it was Renunciation Day of
Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) yesterday. when mom's not around i somehow becomes a slug at home... i mean a bigger slug, he he.
i was comtemplating so hard to do something, a lot of things yesterday during near end of work day. pushed the thoughts out & continued working till quite late (or early as i was on shift).
reached home, check mails, fb, groupon (i'm such a coupon freak now...), watched downton abbey (i missed the premier - dont know what episode now but still had an entertaining watch, will be "checking" it out later), watched s01e01 of yuujinchou natsume (where i have left off years ago) & was craving for bubble milk tea like a pregnant lady.
butt, ended up glued to the tilam then slumbered off. pun intended.
today, decided to tick off the long list of to-do items including housework. should be a great work out. first need to ensure i get my butt off the stool n hands off the keyboard.
[yay! tick one off, clearing by 1000+ list of unread subscriptions @ google reader]
hey, just realised. after changing to the new blogger layout, where's the convenient toolbar that i've used to search & add links?!!