Sunday, January 01, 2012

welcome 2012 with new book!

Hi 2012 -Please to meet you and please treat me good this year.

it's 2012! i got meself a book to celebrate. yea yea. i have like a gazillion books waiting to be read or completed. and i promised meself not to get any that is priced > $0 but i was swayed by the chance of winning $40 Amazon Gift Card. and it's new year. guess i can give meself a wee break.

one of my favourite historical romance writer's is eloisa james. i've not bought loads of her books as her books price is so stubborn. there were nearly no price drop on her books. however the ebook is USD1 cheaper than the hardcopy in amazon. and it is a couple of RM (around RM8-RM15) cheaper compare to local msian book shops.

eloisa new book
the duke is mine
get it from amazon

get it from acmamall

chance to win USD40 amazon gift card

add eloisa james @ fb.
btw, go grab this novella: winning the wild flower. it's free for now. tis very seldom for eloisa's books. i love it actually. i was hoping it will be blown into a full book as the way the novella was written, it could! but i guess it will not be so i have to be content with the new book.