at last... after 7-8 years my mane is cropped. it was quite an exciting time in kimarie. i think swen was more anxious and worry about the outcome of my decision to chop off my hair. i'm like "it's ok" - no risk no gain. i was glad that she was there too as she is familiar with the professional
hairstylist - jess and was scrutinizing her rather closely. when i showed the picture of the hairstyle to jess, she hesitated and remarked that it might not suit me as my face is big - heehee. but as you all know me, once i got my mind set on something, come hail and storm i will still stick to it. one needs to be adventurous, r8? after telling jess all my hair "behaviours", how my fringe should be, yadda yadda yadda ... "your hair got loads of problem" - jess complained - "see what i can do". i can feel she is so stressed out. at the end of the 5 hours ordeal, jess

was all smiles and i saw a twinkle in her eyes when she held the mirror for me to inspect her work of art. even swen who is normally quite a strict critic was nodding with approval :) (yes swen, you should get a cut too!). i was inmmensely satisfied that i didnt notice that the highlight didnt quite show. lucky for me, swen was there so we nagged her into giving me a discount. all in all it was a great day for a cut :)
oh my gawd!!! honey you look stunningly awesome. you should have done that ages ago =) i nearly couldn't believe in my eyes for the first split second i saw the new cool fia man. gosh.. you just look great. fishes coming your way.... *_^
AH Piak! Looks damn good man!!! Ya should have done it ages ago, cuts the yrs away..hee...hee... look much younger now.....more chic! Fulamak.....i like it!
bwahahaha. looks nice, eh? :) camera tricks. anyways, thanks for the compliments. well then it's $$ well spent.
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