ha ha. sorry. but i cant help myself by putting that title. yea. we had safety and security exercise, cymex 1 today. it's some emergency evacuation drill in case of some disasters e.g. terrorist attacks, fire, etc. personally i find it is a great drill.
however ... does the government need to spend the citizen tax $$$ by having a launch for this exercise?? i mean amazing! daily we were told to economised electricity, water, fuel, whatever. and here we have an emergency drill with all the pomp & pageantry & dignitaries to launch it in mdec. haiz.
anyway, back to the drill at my company. at first it was fun and loud- siren and all. thank goodness for the tents else we will be rentung in the hot sun. hey! they even distributed mineral water to us. hmm.. is there where our lavish ad&d budget has gone to? .... then we were left stranded there for more than one hour! i mean. it's just a drill. do it and get over it. haiz.
in my opinion. although drills are exellent way to prepare us, i still think without discipline, when disaster strikes, pandemonium will break loose! come on. we are malaysian. we are individualistics. "me first!" ha ha. so u think the fire marshalls will wait for all the staff to line up like good gals and boys? hey no offence fire marshalls.
my point is. drills are ok but more need to be done for minimum casualties in any emergency evacuations.