Wednesday, September 06, 2006

frac‧ture  /frak-cher/ –noun

frac‧ture  /frak-cher/ –noun

  1. the breaking of a bone, cartilage, or the like, or the resulting condition.
  2. the act of breaking; state of being broken.
  3. a break, breach, or split.
  4. the characteristic manner of breaking: a material of unpredictable fracture.
  5. the characteristic appearance of a broken surface, as of a mineral. –verb (used with object)
  6. to cause or to suffer a fracture in (a bone, etc.).
  7. to break or crack.
  8. Slang. to amuse highly or cause to laugh heartily; delight: The new comic really fractured the audience. –verb (used without object)
  9. to become fractured; break: a mineral that does not fracture easily.
    fractured. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.0.1). Retrieved September 05, 2006, from website:

yes. this month is not my lucky month... it was just like any other fridays except for a dramatic acrobatic act : tripped-flew-fell which i ended up with a fractured arm. so embarassing!! felt so touched as my work mates rushed to help me up especially bridget.

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