ok. so i just came back from oz. $$ low but spirit high to plan for next travel. haha. especially i am quite free today (which i think for today only). i did plan for a 19-20 day trip to kr but the language barrier and the costs kind of put the idea off. i've actually put off kr trip for 2 years d! well first it made way for ph (free flight...) and then oz (i oso dunno y i go... missed yinna kua. yea i know. at first mom wanna visit for 1 mth then it didnt happen. but i already put my heart to visit so it happened for me ... ). since tw cheaper and i can understand a little mandarin so kr have to be in backseat.the problem now is, i totally have no idea how to start in tw. maybe should get the lonely planet book...so will it be visit tw 2008? hmm....
i think i would enjoy taiwan more...coz in korea, i know nothing about their language, beside 'hello'....
n taiwan food is awesome!!
yea... but korea is so beautiful. i think is ok if dunno the language cos i heard the ppl in korea quite helpful although got barrier languange.
someday i still hope to backpack in korea.
now i have to concentrate for taiwan trip. first, need to get the lonely planet book.
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