Monday, August 22, 2011

jagung kueh too rich but i love it

oven is down
if you are linked to me in fb, you would have noticed i've been making sweets but with no baking :). well truth be told, it is not that i'm into alternatives e.g. steaming, etc. it is because my oven had broken down. it is still working but somehow the plate is not rotating. anyone think if i bake in it, the heat will be distrubuted evenly without the plate rotating? it's a conventional oven. any advice is welcomed. (btw, mami is still in the dark about this... she must also be thinking why isnt sofia baking the cheesecake i love.... tee hee...).

too much santan....
decided to make this jagung kueh aka corn custard. so the recipe said 1 cup of santan (coconut milk). didnt say thick or otherwise. so i got a packet of fresh santan from nearby hyper-mart which bloody expensive. can u imagine rm2.50 for barely 250ml of long story cut short. as normal some conflicts with mami. well jagung kueh was something she made with success in the past. being the older generation, when one does things that is not their norm, they would say it's wrong. sometimes they are right as they did eat salt more than i eat rice. so from the time i poured the 1 packet santan into the batter mixture she was mumbling n grumbling saying the santan too much. but heck, i've already poured it.

stir it, dont shake it
oh yes. this is one sweet that will make you burnt before you gain those calories. you've got to stir till your arm's muscles bulges. but think of the calories you've burnt, worth every drop of sweat :).

mami tried a little n pulled a long face "coconut stench too strong" n henceforth didnt even pick another piece. guess she doesnt like the strong santan smell n i suspect subconsciously she rejected it because of my defiance. ha ha ha. doesnt matter. this means mumphf-more for mumphf-me!! i'll be bringing some to work. ha ha ha... great way to distribute the calories.

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