peace. at last i managed to persuade my mom to forgive me. it must be my persistent charms. ha ha. i can be if i want to you know. but i guess not many ppl will be that lucky to get charmed by moi. ha ha. anyway, i've stashed my idea for moving out. mom's condition is quite bad - her slip disc. moving out will only make her feel worse, so since make peace pact d, i'll just hang around until she's stronger.
visited brontë's vet to get more clarifications on the x-ray results. bad. it's not stone in the bladder. the x-ray showed there's a growth near her uninary tract. vet ruled out stone. but was not a good news as it could be either a blood clot or tumor. wouldn’t be able to know until they operated on her. so we decided to go along the conservative solution by the vet – put her on a strict special diet which consists of some special doggie biscuits. hopefully in 2-3 months time, if it's a clot, then it will disolved smaller and eventually disappear. poor brontë, she never liked doggie biscuits. poor mom, she had to crush the biscuits mix it with water & hand feed brontë. we have to monitor her urination pattern also. as long as she make a big puddle a day, then is ok. as this means her tract isnt blocked (meaning the growth didnt increase, meaning is not a tumor). let's pray n hope it's just a clot. cos if it's a tumor, i'm going to loose my poochie! as the tumor is too near her nerves and is not advisable to operate to remove. poor poor brontë. cant bear the thoughts of losing her. have to spent all my time at home sayanging her. no time to waste.

Sorry to hear about your dog. Hope she gets well soon..
thanks. so far she is still quite active and she ate a whole fistful of the crushed biscuits today. good gal my bronte.
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