finally.. bridget traditionally tied the knot. it was a simple but happy event. i went totally trigger happy - shooting and suggesting poses for bridget's photographer (who is quite cute actually...).
swee and me became 2 of her chi mus - passively as we were in the room with her until chim braved all the obstacles. unfortunately, the other chi mus squandered our share of the lai see - grrrr. ha ha. luckily bridget promised to give bigger ones to us later :)
my battery ran out in bridget&chim's house.. bugger... these pictures taken using my booboo hp camera which was set to smallest size ... bugger...
... my photo shooting @ klang ...
yes. vodka! is a goldendoodle or fondly known as groodle by oz. with him around, my days are filled!!
woof woof... i wanna pee pee
yes. he is my four legged walking alarm clock. he will kacau me around 0630 and if by 0700 i didnt respond to him... he will jump on my bed and sometimes stand on me - ON ALL FOUR!! haiz... thank god for mattress protector. i ignored him today... come on it's a holiday! i dont want to get up until 8am. i'm not asking too much, right? wrong. he just let go after pestering me for around 15mins. yes. ON MY BED... this forced me up. which was a good thing also. i kickstarted by house chores that i had put off on sun.
who needs the gym?!
yes. who needs them when u got a hyperactive pup, a lazy brother and messy me.
yes. this month is not my lucky month... it was just like any other fridays except for a dramatic acrobatic act : tripped-flew-fell which i ended up with a fractured arm. so embarassing!! felt so touched as my work mates rushed to help me up especially bridget.