article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
" The decision to agree to celebrate Vesak as the Buddha’s birthday was formalized at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (W.F.B.) held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. The Resolution that was adopted at the World Conference reads as follows, "That this Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, while recording its appreciation of the gracious act of His Majesty, the Maharaja of Nepal in making the full-moon day of Vesak a Public Holiday in Nepal, earnestly requests the Heads of Governments of all countries in which large or small number of Buddhists are to be found, to take steps to make the full-moon day in the month of May a Public Holiday in honour of the Buddha, who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of Humanity."
Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. As Buddhism spread from India to all parts of the world, the teachings were readily assimilated with the cultures of the people who accepted the teachings. As a result, Buddhist art and culture took on a rich variety of forms with profound gentleness and kindness as the Buddha expressly forbade the use of force. The practice of Buddhism was adapted in many ways to suit the nature of the various cultures that accepted it. As a result of this, Vesak is celebrated in many different ways all over the world. But in essence many practices have become universal. This sacred day is purely a religious festival, and not a festive occasion. On this day all Buddhists are expected to reaffirm their faith in the Buddha Dhamma and to lead a noble religious life. It is a day for meditation and for radiating Loving-Kindness. "
" The decision to agree to celebrate Vesak as the Buddha’s birthday was formalized at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (W.F.B.) held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. The Resolution that was adopted at the World Conference reads as follows, "That this Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, while recording its appreciation of the gracious act of His Majesty, the Maharaja of Nepal in making the full-moon day of Vesak a Public Holiday in Nepal, earnestly requests the Heads of Governments of all countries in which large or small number of Buddhists are to be found, to take steps to make the full-moon day in the month of May a Public Holiday in honour of the Buddha, who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of Humanity."

Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. As Buddhism spread from India to all parts of the world, the teachings were readily assimilated with the cultures of the people who accepted the teachings. As a result, Buddhist art and culture took on a rich variety of forms with profound gentleness and kindness as the Buddha expressly forbade the use of force. The practice of Buddhism was adapted in many ways to suit the nature of the various cultures that accepted it. As a result of this, Vesak is celebrated in many different ways all over the world. But in essence many practices have become universal. This sacred day is purely a religious festival, and not a festive occasion. On this day all Buddhists are expected to reaffirm their faith in the Buddha Dhamma and to lead a noble religious life. It is a day for meditation and for radiating Loving-Kindness. "
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato, samma sambuddhasa
(Homage to the Lord, the Emancipated, the All-Enlightened Buddha, three times)
Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Dutiyampi, Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(For the second time, May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Tatiyampi, Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(For the third time, May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato, samma sambuddhasa
(Homage to the Lord, the Emancipated, the All-Enlightened Buddha)
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato, samma sambuddhasa
(Homage to the Lord, the Emancipated, the All-Enlightened Buddha, three times)
Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Dutiyampi, Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(For the second time, May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Tatiyampi, Mayang Bhante Tisaranena Saha Panca Silani Yacama
(For the third time, May I receive the Triple Refuge together with the Five Precepts)
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato samma sambuddhasa
Namo tassa, bhagavato, arahato, samma sambuddhasa
(Homage to the Lord, the Emancipated, the All-Enlightened Buddha)
Buddhang saranang gacchami (I accept the Buddha as my refuge)
Dhammang saranang gacchami (I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Sanghang saranang gacchami (I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Buddhang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Buddha as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Dhammang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Sanghang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Buddhang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Buddha as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Dhammang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Sanghang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Dhammang saranang gacchami (I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Sanghang saranang gacchami (I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Buddhang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Buddha as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Dhammang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Dutiyampi Sanghang saranang gacchami (For the second time, I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Buddhang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Buddha as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Dhammang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Dhamma as my refuge)
Tatiyampi Sanghang saranang gacchami (For the third time, I accept the Sangha as my refuge)
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from killing)
Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from theft)
Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from sexual immorality)
Musavada veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from wrong speech)
Sura meraya majja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from taking intoxicants)
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from killing)
Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from theft)
Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from sexual immorality)
Musavada veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from wrong speech)
Sura meraya majja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadang samadiyami. (I undertake to observe the precept of refraining from taking intoxicants)
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