yes! i've got a new pup. he is a terrier mix. doesnt really cos a bomb as a neighbour sold it to me. brought him back to kl yesterday. he was kind of timid at first but this morning he had evolved into somewhat a rascal! mom just called part complaining part loving him. she just bathed vodka! and let him loose in the house. of all places, he chose the best place to flop down... on the tilam! :)
well at least, i can be a little relieved as bronte seems to take vodka! in slowly. yes, she is still the haughty self. looks like bronte is accepting vodka! into her life although she is avoiding him like the plague at the moment. ha ha.
it figures... so your dog is perpetually drunk (like the owner?) I guess.... anyway, take care.. wanna meet up for dinner? mondays to thursdays only...
La wei … how can say like tat to fren?
Ok when dinner? Or supper?
Anyway … tina asked me to inform you gals … not sure she contacted you gals or not la but she cant get thru to Fong.
This Saturday is Kean ONG’s baptism party. All are invited.
I not going back this weekend lo cos just balik last weekend. But if anyone wanna offer me a ride – would be much appreciated :)
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